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The Maryland School for the Deaf Foundation was founded in November 1987 by the MSD Board of Visitors. Their vision has provided private funding to help close the gap between the shrinking availability of public dollars and the increasing need for more effective ways to reach students and enrich deaf education. Since 1987, the Maryland School for the Deaf Foundation’s sole purpose has been to encourage and provide support to the students at the Maryland School for the Deaf.


Major Accomplishments:

  • Sponsorship of students and faculty for educational events

  • Funding for educational programs and materials

  • Camp tuition for students

  • Performance awards to qualifying students

  • Scholarships for graduating seniors

  • Funding for computers, communication devices and other essential equipment


The Maryland School for the Deaf Foundation, Inc. is a professionally managed, not for profit, tax-exempt organization. (52-1566505) It was formed in 1987 to attract contributions from the combined generosity of individuals, businesses, and private foundations. With these contributions, the MSD Foundation can provide the Maryland School for the Deaf with the necessary resources to respond to changing times and evolving needs.


The MSD Foundation Board of Directors has between five and fifteen voting members. Directors serve on the board as volunteers and do not receive remuneration for their services. The MSD superintendent and an MSD Board of Trustees representative participate on the MSDF Board of Directors in a non-voting capacity. Current membership of the MSD Foundation Board of Directors includes:

  • Patrick Fava, President

  • Matt Lockhart, Treasurer

  • Suz Barghaan

  • Brian Ropp

  • Micah Vore

  • ​Dave Sears

  • Suzanne Stecker

  • Charles Weeks

  • Ex Officio: Marisa Shockley

  • Ex Officio: MSD Superintendent John A. Serrano

  • Brittany Noschese, MSD Foundation Program Coordinator

  • MSD Board of Trustees Representative: MSD Board of Trustees President Mark Rust


If you are interested in serving on our board of directors, please contact us today.

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